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From idea to production in 5 minutes.

Get FlutterFlash

80% of developers don't release their side projects

State management, database, user authentication...
There's so much going on.


8 hrs to understand State management


Struggle to find time


Quit project

const launch_time = "Today";

Supercharge your app instantly, launch faster, make $

AI integration, Authentication, State Managment, Localizations, integration with RevenueCat, navigation, themes, onboarding, firebase set up and more.

You have a lot to do to launch your app.

I have done it for you, so you can concentrate on what really matters: the features of your app.
App SetupIn App PurchasesAuthenticationBackendPush NotificationsAI Integration

App Setup

  • Firebase setup
  • BLoC setup
  • Navigation with auto_route
  • Local storage with Hive
  • Themes (Dark/Light)
  • Internazionalization setup
  • Time saved: 12 hours


Boost your app development, launch, earn

Don't waste time integrating APIs or designing a login screen...


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You get access to a github repo. Lifetime. With lifetime upgrades. You pay once and get access forever.
  • FlutterFlash is not a no-code builder. You have to have some basic Flutter knowledge.

  • The BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern separates business logic from the UI, making the code more modular and testable. It manages state through streams, allowing the UI to update reactively and decoupled. This approach facilitates maintenance and code reuse, especially in large projects.

  • Choosing the BLoC pattern over other state management solutions in Flutter offers several advantages:
    • Separation of Concerns: BLoC clearly separates business logic from UI code, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.
    • Reusability: Since the business logic is decoupled from the UI, the same BLoC can be reused across different parts of the app or even across different apps.
    • Testability: BLoC makes it easier to write unit tests for business logic without needing to worry about UI components, leading to more reliable and maintainable tests.
    • Scalability: BLoC is well-suited for large and complex applications because it enforces a structured approach to managing state, reducing the risk of spaghetti code as the app grows.
    • Reactive Programming: By leveraging streams, BLoC allows for efficient and responsive UI updates, ensuring that the UI reflects the current state of the app in real-time.
    These benefits make BLoC a strong choice for managing state in scalable, maintainable, and testable Flutter applications.
  • Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email.

  • Yeah, if you have some othe question feel free to contact us by email